“My experience at the Ignited Ministry Academy has impacted my life and my heart in a profound way. ”
Karlene Malmquist
In the IMA I loved learning and studying more of God’s word. It was in the IMA that I learned in a deeper level how to put into practice what it says in Proverbs 7:1 “My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you....Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.”). The scripture exams were one of my favorite things about the IMA and I still find myself tapping into those memorized scriptures!
Pastor Aaron Malmquist
In the IMA I learned practical ministry skills and Biblical theology that I use all the time as a youth pastor. I learned amazing leadership skills and qualities that have helped to shape all areas of my life. I also met some amazing people and made life long friendships.
Isabelle Oliveira
The IMA is a place when the gospel are taught through classes, also we learn daily while we walk next to inspiring leaders.
It made me more intentional in my relationship with God, Bible study and search for my purpose.
Matheus Brandão
My experience at the Ignited Ministry Academy has impacted my life and my heart in an amazing way. When I was an academy student, I had the opportunity to grow in many areas of my life. I am left with a more profound knowledge of God
“In the IMA I learned practical ministry skills and Biblical theology that I use all the time as a youth pastor. ”