The Ignited Ministry Academy is a training ground specifically focused on helping young adults become committed disciples of Jesus Christ and strong leaders in their spheres of influence.


What is the ministry academy?

The ministry academy is here to help lead students into their calling before they head off to college.  It gives you a 10 month period to focus on God and to move toward your God-given calling.  While under the guidance of our leaders you learn what God has planned for you and gain practical skills to use both in the workplace and in ministry.


To DISCOVER your purpose in life

To STRENGTHEN you in spirit, mind, and body

To DISCIPLE you with Biblical training & leadership principles

What Do we do?

The IMA will lay a foundation for your life that will set you up for success in your ministry, family, career, and spiritual life.  Students are provided with classes to grow their knowledge of the workings of the Bible and the people it describes.  Staff will empower students to positions of leadership as well as pour into them on a daily basis.

What IS expected of you?

the cost

The total cost of the internship is $3000.  This will cover your classes, 3 amazing adventure trips, tickets to all cornerstone church conferences and events (during your internship), and any other resources you will receive.


Students are expected to hold themselves to a standard of excellence both in character and spirit.

You are committing to:

  • Live according to the Biblical, moral and ethical code and in an honest and sincere manner.
  • Passionately pursue the Lord, seek and follow His will for your life.
  • Continue to develop your relationship with the Lord by seeking Him with passion, faithfulness and diligence.
  • Recognizing your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and work to discipline your body and maintain a healthy lifestyle by fulfilling the requirements established by Ignited Ministry Academy.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and not engage in activities and behavior contrary to the Bible.
  • Attend all required activities with an optimistic and energetic attitude and a servant’s heart.
  • Submit to those in authority and live by the policies set forth by the Ignited Ministry Academy. 



During this season you will be full-time ministers to youth and young adults.  You will be expected to lead, be an example and be a servant during this internship.  You will be expected to complete 30 credits of classes and applied work.  You will be reading relevant books, watching powerful video classes, and memorizing the Scriptures.  You are expected to help set up, break down, and run large events as well as regular services.  Lastly, you are expected to have fun and enjoy the work before you.  This is work, but it is up to you to decide if it is torture.  Make it your own, you help make the difference.

The Internship is a great place to set yourself up for success!
— Pastor Evan Barriger, Intern Director