What is the IMA?
The IMA is a training ground specifically focused on helping young adults become committed disciples of Jesus Christ and strong leaders in their spheres of influence. The Ignited Ministry Academy is here to help lead students into their calling before they head off to college, or even after! It gives each student a ten month period to focus on God, build solid relationships, and move toward your God-given calling, all while pursing a completion certificate through the TheosU program. Under the guidance of our leaders, teachers, and pastors at Cornerstone Church, you will learn what God has planned for you and gain practical skills to use both in the workplace and in ministry.
“We want to help you grow in your relationship with God, create meaningful relationships, and become equipped for a life of significance.”
DISCOVER your God Given purpose in life
STRENGTHEN you in spirit, mind, and body
DISCIPLE you with Biblical training & leadership principles